Monday 18 August 2008

Regina Watch...

As you all may know, I took the name of this blog, Dance Anthem of the 80s from a little known Regina Spektor song, in which Ms. Spektor goes walking, through this city, like a drunk but not. In honour of that fact, I thought I'd see what everyone's favourite Russian New Yoiker was up to these days...

It's been two years since the last album, Begin to Hope was released, and we've all been patiently waiting, going through the live sets to wonder what favourite misc track might eventually get committed to analogue and kick off a new album. However, following a collapse on stage late last year and subsequent development of vertigo, it seems we may have a little longer to go before that dream gets realised. However, with the only up-coming show scheduled this week for the 23rd at San Francisco's Outside Lands Music & Arts Festival perhaps we can begin to hope some studio time is being booked? (Excuse the pun).

Until then I point you to this fantastic website which includes a vast catalogue of live recordings and demo's for those of you too eager to await any real news. My personal favourite among these live rarities has to be 'Aquarius' which isn't actually available at the ReSpekt site mentioned, so I shall post it here. The pause where she gets the song slightly wrong and says 'sorry' is completely adorable, and totally what I love about live music.

Born of a sign that carries vessels
But in a month that brings just ice
I know I question things too quickly
But I've never wondered if I've loved

Regina Spektor - Aquarius (Live)


Anonymous said...

We have something in common then...

The Girl Who Fell Asleep said...

Didn't I introduce you to the live recording of Aquarius? xx

Eat Paris said...

Hey Alex, welcome to the blog! Do we have a love of live music or a love of Regina in common? Please say a little of both!

Girl who... yes you did introduce me to this recording, right after India :) xx

John Savarese said...

I took that picture!