Irish music and the not so Irish...
Well, after yesterday's treck into Stars' Take Me to The Riot, I hit the town for a bit of a big night with some Irish nurses and crawled in at 4:00a.m. with bad covers of The Galway Girl still ringing in my ears. I sent the obligatory drunken text to my girlfriend (away for a visit to her family) which ran along the lines of:
Baby this guy jest tried to lips me! Hlep!
Being a music obsessive, I didn't take the wise route of sleeping when I got home, but instead started making playlists for hangovers, listening to my work as I read James Frey's rehab memoir A Million Little Pieces. This is a book which features the word vomit on probably one in three pages, so not the *best* choice for a hangover.
Now, in the interest of sharing my pain with you all, here's Gerard Butler pretending to be Irish in P.S. I Loves Yeh:
Feeling like working on your own drunken version of the song? Grab the fine Steve Earle version here:
Steve Earle - The Galway Girl
Yes, you should go buy a Steve Earle album at this point, but you should also buy yourself a copy of P.S. I Love You, if only for the fact it's so bad, it's hilarious...
You're so funny.
Write more blogs please, I need a daily dose..
Baby, you are too kind ;)
i promise you when my flu is gone and that gallon of soup is gone I will write you some daily doses.
Love you xx
Where is the promise of daily blogs? Come on, meeshell....we need you! To help pass our time at work! xxx
Oi you, I wrote a new post today! And where's the new post on your blog eh? x
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