Wednesday, 23 April 2008

10 months later...

Talk about a hiatus! Firstly I must apologise profusely for the lack of posting here for the past almost-year; believe me a lot of things have been going on for me; gigs, funerals, finding band members, applying for uni, discovering symphonic metal (?!), moving in with my girlfriend (and tentatively learning her language, Punjabi... this means conversations which on my end go "How are you? Why? Nothing! No! Yes! My Life!". Anyway, to kick start things off with a bit of inspiration I'm spinning the awesome Maps track "To the Sky"

Pick up the lushed-out goodness here:

Maps - To The Sky

Now to the pledge: I do solemnly swear I will post here a whole lot more frequently from now on. I've not been idly resting these past few months; loads of new bands are now happily resting in my itunes library, and the best thing about moving in with someone is you automatically inherit the right to their CDs. My girlfriend, amazingly, has more music than me and I've only got through about a third. Who knows, maybe we have a guest blogger in our midsts? See you all soon!